Durnford Street: Blocked Drain

Today I have reported this blocked drain in Durnford Street, Stonehouse. Hopefully, the drain can be unblocked quickly to avoid the risk of flooding in the area! If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them rectified/resolved as soon as possible! […]
Union Street: Broken Bollard

Today I have reported a broken bollard in Union Street, Stonehouse. Let’s hope that the bollard can be repaired quickly to avoid any accidents or injuries! If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them rectified/resolved as soon as possible! […]
Sawrey Street: Blocked Drain

Today I have reported a blocked drain in Sawrey Street, Stonehouse. Let’s hope that the drain can be cleared quickly to avoid flooding in the area! If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them rectified/resolved as soon as possible!
Emma Place: Drop Curb Requested

Today I have requested a drop curb in Emma Place, Stonehouse. Hopefully, this drop curb can be installed quickly to increase mobility and access throughout Stonehouse! If you know of anywhere in Plymouth that would benefit from a drop curb, please, photograph the area, make a note of the location, and email me. I will […]
Cremyll Street: Blocked Drain

Today I have reported two blocked drains on Cremyll Street, Stonehouse by the Royal William Yard.. Let’s hope that they can be cleared quickly to avoid flooding in the area! If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them rectified/resolved […]
Edgcumbe Street : Broken Pavements

Today I have reported an uneven paving slab in Edgecumbe Street, Stonehouse. Hopefully, this can be fixed quickly to avoid the risk of injury to people in our community. If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them rectified/resolved as […]
Union Place: Litter

Today I have reported a large amount of litter in Union Place, Stonehouse. Let’s hope that the rubbish can be removed quickly to avoid any pests in the area and to improve the streets appearance. If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that […]
St Mary Street: Damaged Street Sign

Today I have reported the damaged sign in St Mary Street, Stonehouse. Let’s hope that this can be repaired or replaced quickly. If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them rectified/resolved as soon as possible!
Emma Place: Litter

Today I have reported the litter in Emma Place, Stonehouse. I hope that the litter can be cleared quickly to make the area more presentable! If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to me, so that I can have them resolved as soon as possible!
Armada Way: Boat Lake

Today I have reported that the Armada Way Boat Lake needs cleaning and repainting. Let’s hope that this can be cleaned quickly so that the community can enjoy the lake and the appearance of Plymouth City Centre is improved. If you know of any issues in your area, please, photograph them and email them to […]