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Accessible PlayGrounds Campaign

What Are Accessible Playgrounds?

Accessible playgrounds are great, but Jon is campaigning for Inclusive playgrounds. But why, what’s the difference?

An Accessible playground is any playground that can be entered or reached without any challenges.

This means making the playground open to everyone so that every child and adult can access the park, no matter their abilities.

For example, if a park is to be classed as wheelchair accessible, it must be designed to allow wheelchair users to easily access the park freely without restriction – to be able to move between pieces of equipment so anyone in a wheelchair can access all the playground features without issue.

However, for a playground to be classed as an Inclusive playground, it must enable and allow those of different abilities the freedom to play and enjoy the play equipment without limitations or restrictions.

Becoming an inclusive playground encourages children and adults of all backgrounds and abilities to feel a sense of belonging and freedom by ensuring everyone can fully engage with the equipment without limitations.

An inclusive playground enriches play for everyone by providing a wide variety of sensory experiences that children and adults of all abilities can enjoy.


Why is Jon Fighting For Victoria Park To Become ‘Plymouth’s Inclusive Park’

Having one main Park and Playground that has as many inclusive pieces of play equipment in it as possible provides a huge number of advantages!

  1. One location – Every piece of inclusive and accessible playground equipment is located within one Park – this maximizes the user’s enjoyment and reduces travelling to multiple playgrounds!
  2. It is an opportunity for people with disabilities to make new friends and enables their families and their support network  to meet with other’s in the community.
  3. Increasing the self-esteem and confidence of the person with disabilities by allowing them to explore and play in a safe environment with their friends and family.
  4. Brings the community together in one location to enable wider community engagement for those who attend different schools, or live in different locations across Plymouth.

While all-inclusive playgrounds are also accessible, not all accessible playgrounds can be considered inclusive playgrounds. An accessible playground does not always create the best opportunity for disabled and able-bodied individuals to play and interact with each other.

Inclusive playgrounds go above and beyond the minimum standards of accessibility to promote a genuinely inclusive experience for everyone.

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